Working Papers

Ben-David, Itzhak, and Alex Chinco, Expected EPS × Trailing P/E

Ben-David, Itzhak, and Alex Chinco, Modeling Managers As EPS Maximizers

Johnson, Mark, Itzhak Ben-David, Jason Lee, and Vincent Yao, FinTech Lending with LowTech Pricing

Ben-David, Itzhak, Justin Birru, and Andrea Rossi, The Performance of Hedge Fund Performance Fees

Ben-David, Itzhak, Utpal Bhattacharya, and Stacey Jacobsen, The (Missing) Relation Between Announcement Returns and Value Creation

Ben-David, Itzhak, Ajay Palvia, and René Stulz, How Important Is Moral Hazard For Distressed Banks?

Boutros, Michael, Itzhak Ben-David, John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey, and John W. Payne, The Persistence of Miscalibration

Ben-David, Itzhak, Mark Johnson, and René M. Stulz, Why Did Small Business Fintech Lending Dry Up During March 2020?

Ishlach, Koren, Itzhak Ben-David, Michael Fire, and Lior Rokach, A Novel Method for News Article Event-Based Embedding


Articles and Permanent Working Papers

Baugh, Brian, Itzhak Ben-David, Isil Erel, Brian Grinnell, 2018, Choice-Based Pension Plans and Arbitrary Wealth Accumulation

Ben-David, Itzhak, Denys Glushkov, and Rabih Moussawi, 2010, Do Hedge Funds Really Avoid High Idiosyncratic Stocks?

Ben-David, Itzhak, 2017, Richard Thaler and the Science of People, ProMarket, 11 October 2017

Ben-David, Itzhak, and Yoad Shefi, 2004, The New Education System, Globes, 10 November 2004

Ben-David, Itzhak, and Guy David, 2003, A Pyrrhic Victory – An Economic Analysis of the Corruption in the Likud Party, Globes, 1 January 2003

Ben-David, Itzhak, Gadi Rabinowitz, and Tzvi Raz, Economic Optimization of Project Risk Management Efforts